During KulturTagJahr the 8th grade of the school endeavours in arts and nature. Once per week the students draw, write, dance, take photos, or make music while also setting out to excursions into nature.

KulturTagJahr at ICS is presented by ALTANA Kulturstiftung in cooperation with Foundation Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt, Hessen's Secretary of Education, Ensemble Modern, and The Forsythe Company with the support of students of contemporary dance pedagogy of Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts as well as Schauspiel Frankfurt.

Porträtzeichnen im Atelier, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Abschlussaufführung zum Thema "Seejungfrau", © Jörg Baumann, Frankfurt
Schüler bei der Abschlussperformance, © Jörg Baumann, Frankfurt
Tänzer Riley Watts mit Schülern im Park, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Schüler bei der Auftaktexkursion im Park, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Autor Matthias Göritz mit den Schülern, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Objekte formen im Park, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Aquarellieren in der Natur, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Abschlusspräsentation im Frankfurt LAB, © Jörg Baumann, Frankfurt
Klavierexperimente bei einer Aufführung, © Jörg Baumann, Frankfurt
Tanz im Studio, © Jörg Baumann, Frankfurt
Das KulturTagJahr-Tagebuch, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Tanzexperimente im Atelier, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Abschlusspräsentation, © Jörg Baumann, Frankfurt
Abschlusspräsentation, © Jörg Baumann, Frankfurt
Zeichnen in der Natur © ALTANA Kulturstiftung
Musiker des Ensemble Modern proben mit den Schülern © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Experimentelle Malerei im Atelier, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Schüler lassen sich zu Texten im Zoo inspirieren, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Live-Atelier während einer Präsentation, © Jörg Baumann, Frankfurt
Tanz im Studio, © Michael Habes, Frankfurt
Tanz bei einer Abschlusspräsentation, © Jörg Baumann, Frankfurt

The school in the Frankfurt Nordend neighbourhood operates this educational arts project since 2011/12. The school commonly teaches challenged and other children since 14 years. Next to being a team school, promoting self-organized learning, and offering a day school structure, taking class together is one of the schools most crucial paradigms. The school understands KulturTagJahr as a logical and supportive amendment to this concept.

"Project NaturNotizen (NatureNotes) raised a new cultural awareness in our student's consciousness. 100 boys and girls who weekly dwell in and practice contemporary arts for one year! This led to a visible development in every single student."

(Uwe Gehrmann, deputy principal at ICS)

Partners: ICS Nordend, ALTANA Kulturstiftung, Foundation Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt, Ensemble Modern, The Forsythe Company, Schauspiel Frankfurt, Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts.

KulturTagJahr – A film by Enrique Sánchez Lansch (Trailer)
from ALTANA Kulturstiftung on Vimeo.

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